Foreclosure Alternatives
When foreclosure is on the horizon, it may seem as though you have no alternative but to walk away from the place you call home. While foreclosure is unavoidable in some cases, many people can prevent foreclosure by working with an experienced attorney who is familiar with options that can help you avoid foreclosure and keep your home. Freedman & Grinshpun, PC, negotiates with lenders to help Philadelphia homeowners keep what is theirs.
Lawyers In Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, For Alternatives To Foreclosure
In Philadelphia County, the foreclosure process is unique. The law forbids lenders from taking a full judgment against a homeowner without first providing him or her with an opportunity to come to a compromise. Even if the bank has filed a foreclosure action against you, we can still negotiate with the lender with the goal of modifying the loan.
Opening negotiations with the bank is often a better option than litigation, which can be expensive and often leads to short sales. In many cases, litigation simply delays foreclosure, and homeowners rarely win. However, homeowners can find hope in the knowledge that lenders are usually willing to discuss other options. Our attorneys have the knowledge and experience to effectively negotiate with lenders.
For many homeowners, foreclosure can be a difficult subject to discuss. Remember that a foreclosure action does not mean you have done something wrong — anyone can find themselves facing foreclosure. Also keep in mind that foreclosure is not your only option. Reach out to an attorney as soon as possible to discuss ways to save your home.
Contact Freedman & Grinshpun, PC | For Your Business And Personal Needs
Learn more about alternatives to foreclosure in Philadelphia by contacting our office at 215-708-7390.
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